Monday, February 14, 2011

Best Picture Nominee Blogging Assignment

Pre-Writing Inception:
1. Confusing
2. Good ending
3. The plot was really good
Toy Story 3
2. I hate Lotso
3. I feel bad for the baby even though he's really creepy
The Social Network
1. Funny
2. Good movie pace
3. Mark was mean to Eduardo
The King's Speech
1. The camera shots were really nice
2. Funny
3. The plot flowed well
True Grit
1. The girl was funny
2. Great set
3. The beginning and ending were cool
Winter's Bone
1. Long and Boring
2. The music was nice
3. The set was cool

1.Inception: It took me a while after the movie to comprehend everything that actually happened. I was really confused the first time i saw this but after I watched this a second time I understood it better. I loved this movie though because I thought it took a lot of time thinking about how they were going to run the scenes. It's my favorite movie out of all of them that we've watched because it really makes me think and it had some creepy parts too like Cobb's wife and the way she spoke. The plot is all over the place and at the beginning, the audience doesn't know what is going on. I thought that the acting was really good especially the girl, Ellen Page. Also it didn't hurt having Joseph Gordon Levitt in it because I think he's extremely attractive. The acting was great and I loved how the ending made you really talk about whether you thought that Cobb was still in a dream or he got out. I love those kind of movies with a cliff hanger even though it annoys me that I will never know for sure.
2.Toy Story 3: I thought out of all the Toy Story movies, the third was definitely the best. I loved the plot and I even thought it was scary at some parts. Like when the crew is escaping and the baby is on guard duty and turns his head all the way around. I thought that part was actually disturbing and the noise that she makes. I loved how they explained how Lotso became so angry and I was really surprised at the ending that he would try to kill them still after he seemed so grateful that they saved his life. I HATE LOTSO!!!!! I thought that the voice overs were really good and I was glad that they all sounded the same because I hate when voice overs for characters change. I usually don't like animation movies too much because they don't really hold my attention as much as with real people but I thought it was funny and it's definitely worth seeing again.
3.The Social Network: This movie was pretty good. The beginning was really confusing because they were talking so fast and I couldn't understan what they were saying. I thought the characters who played each character was really good in terms of how they should come across to the audience. I really disliked Mark even though I found him cute. It was just that he was such a jerk to his friends and girlfriend that made him so annoying. My favorite scene was at the club because I loved how they did the lighting and music in the background. The shots varied well and I think they did a good job keeping the audience into the movie. I would definitely say I liked the movie though it was not one of my favorites. The plot was kind of fast moving and it may have been a little boring at some parts. I thought that the characters were funny though like when Eduardo's girlfriend burned the scarf that he gave her and also the scene where Sean Parker and his friend came to Mark's house and he was throwing beer at them.
4.The King's Speech: I liked the Kings Speech even though it was boring. My favorite part of the movie is when he and his therapist is doing those excersises and I loved how the camera zoomed in and then out for every different day. I thought the angle shots were really creative and I also thought that the lighting was very natural in the movie. It seemed like every light in a room was from a window and I liked that. I also enjoyed the scenes where the characters are outside and the camera shots are very long and narrow. The scene at the end was well done too, I thought that the actor put a lot of emotion into that scene and I liked how the audience could see the reactions of the other people that were listening to it. I thought it was interesting that an article on the review of this movie said they were trying to resemble the shot like King George VI's mouth and how its very restricting. The acting was well done and I thought the humor was great.
5.True Grit: I liked the movie even though I thought it got long after awhile. I loved the girl who played Mattie Ross and it surprises me each time I saw her acting that she was only 13 years old when she did this movie. I thought that the plot was just okay and so as the acting of the other characters. The thing that I do love about this movie was the setting. I thought that the set was great and it looked real. I also enjoyed the beginning when you could hear Mattie's voice telling a little about what happened. Also when she was on the train and you could see her face through the train window and how at the end they had a shot like that but when she's older. This movie is not one of my favorites that we watched in class but I'm glad I got to see it.
6.Winter's Bone: Of all the movies that we watched in class, Winter's Bone was the least satisfying. I thought it was boring and I did think that some scenes were suspenceful like when the three characters were on the canoe and were cutting her fathers arms off so she would have proof that he died. I thought that they were going to shoot her and dump her body in the lake or I thought that something was going to grab her arm when she reached into the water. I thought the fact that a lot of times there were no music except for the natural wind and footsteps added to that suspense. Other than that I thought it wasn't such a great movie. The acting was pretty good I just thought the plot didn't interest me much. I definitely am more into the comedy kind of movies or ones that make me think.

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